Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Beauty of Myths

Tuesdays class has so far, been my absolute favorite in terms of open discussion. I really enjoyed talking about Myths VS. Lies and how they are mistaken for the same thing. We discussed how Myths can be broken down  in order to better receive core value. This made me think of how as a young child we are told the stories such as , the Tortoise and the Hare or Hercules and that depending on the stories you are told, they can mold you as a person. Because Matthew and Luke where storytellers of such a big audience, they have a lot to do with How society (particularly American society, with the foundation of this country being Christianity) Functions and handles disputes and differences amongst other societies. Keeping in mind that America is one of the most powerful countries in the world, do you think that these Myths help or hurt  american society?
Comment away :) !!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Jesus First post.

My experience so far reading Jesus by John Dominic Crossan has been very different from that of reading the Gita. The Gita was an entirely new experience and my first time being analytically exposed to Hindu Litterateur.  At this point in my life,  I have been overly exposed Christianity and the study of the Gospel. At this point, I have been presented to every side of the gospel, but this one. The author captures the historical incorrectness of each Gospel. After I read the first chapter I was automatically presented with a world of questions. My biggest questions where directed toward  how the author Spoke about Matthew and Luke in term of their interpretation of the birth of Jesus. I never realized how different the text actually was. Did this baffle anyone else? Comment below :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Gita wrap up (Before the preface)

Wrapping up the Gita, there is one chapter and verse that stood out to me. In chapter 12 in verse 17, Krishna says,

"He is dear to me who runs not after the pleasant or away from the painful, grieves not, lust not, but lets things come and go as they happen."

This presented an additional perspective to my views of Hinduism.

This verse speaks to me, highlighting the idea of absurdism amongst the principals. After reading the French novel, The Stranger, I can compare a lot of the protagonist thinking (Though his lifestyle is not one I think Krishna would agree with) to that of an absurdest, not bothered or troubled by the trials or daily snares life has to offer. He values the honesty  life presents, even though he does not value life.  Hinduism emphasise the value of truth and supreme goals.

This chapter also helped me to see that I understood more of the text that I was allowing my self to think I did. Because I was taking the idea of  Finding the Origins of Hinduism so literal I missed the obvious connection between what I already know and what I can find in the text.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Bhagavad Gita 5-10 Dissection.

In this blog I find it helpful to post my my personal  dissection or the thoughts I channel in class to obtain a better understanding of the readings, in hopes that it will help me move forward with my thinking, the feelings, and understanding I have about the Bhagavad Gita in relation to the Hindi lifestyle. 

First I have found it more comforting to call Hinduism a lifestyle, rather than a religion or a faith. This idea is derived from a discussion we had in class about some of the principals in relation to real life. For example, some may look at life in seasons. some seasons last longer than the other but rather good or bad, they all will have purpose.  Krishna teachings all have an outcome. And In class we discovered that the outcome of the teachings will depend on the student. If the student does right the first time great, if not that's great too because now he has gained knowledge and see the right way to go. 

My favorite chapter "The Royal Path" Chapter 9 verse 22 says 

 "Those who worship me and meditate on me constantly, without any other thought, I will provide for all their needs." -page 49

This in translation to me is saying whoever lives in me in the great teachings and paths of Krishna will lead satisfactory lives. It first stood out to me as a a basic religious diagram, the typical 1 Deity, then the followers; But then the professor began to comment deeper on this concept. In my interpretation he explained that there is more learning in these principals than their are in alternate faiths. Hinduism challenges you to see for yourself with no condemnation that the teachings are right and true. Why do I feel this? Simply because unlike other religious text, theres not a negative ultimatum suggested after. This makes me see a more peaceful side to the Lifestyle.